VIP30A Fall 2023 Issue - Letter from the Publisher

Letter from the Publisher

In this issue of VIP 30A Magazine, we are thrilled to bring you our 2023 Realtor Profiles feature. This concept which we have published in other VIP’s over the years, is a perfect fit for VIP 30A, with real estate such a driving force behind its popularity, growth and economy. This is a chance for you to see more than properties and services these real estate professionals provide. This is an opportunity to dig a little deeper and actually get to know the person behind the Realtor.

What an exciting time of the year this is as we get ready for fall and weekend tailgating! There is a distinct phrase that is synonymous with fall for me…It’s Football Time in Tennessee! Something about those words takes me back to college days and Knoxville every time I hear it. As I now spend the majority of my time here, I realize that it is football time everywhere. 

The fact that most people moved to Florida from other cities around the South creates a very exciting place when is comes to collegiate and professional sports. This makes Saturday game days at your favorite local watering hole especially engaging as most any team, especially those in the SEC, will be represented. But in true character of this beautiful place we call home, everyone and every flag is welcome, so get out and support your alma mater!

Final word…I cannot publish a magazine in an area which embodies the beach lifestyle without mentioning Jimmy Buffett. I think it’s safe to say that if you are a water lover, beach goer, music lover or simply a lover of life, then you have probably let the lyrics of this Parrot Head sweep you away into a fantasy of waves and wonder. Sail on sailor!

Happy Fall!